
The first development on the Innovation Park is Pacific House – an imposing, contemporary business centre.

At 25,235 sq ft (net internal area), Pacific House provides flexible accommodation for small, medium and large companies.

Most offices within the centre are occupied but there a small number which are still available, from approx 600 sq ft upwards.

We’re marketing them on flexible leases which incorporate a three-month notice period that you can serve at any time, giving you a high level of agility to respond to changing markets.

Pacific House is a low-energy property with a light-filled atrium and shared spaces. It has 130 car parking spaces (a ratio of 1:194 sq ft).

And it has a range of features which make it suitable for companies looking to protect their staff from COVID-19 and to plan for post-pandemic working practices. See more on our COVID safety features.

Click to enlarge the photographs of the offices and the floor plans on this page. Offices may be able to be sub-divided or combined to suit your needs.

You can also read reviews from the tenants already in Pacific House.

If you’d like to find out more about the offices within Pacific House, please don’t hesitate to get in touch.

Or download our Sovereign Harbour Innovation Park brochure.

Other sites & premises:

For other high quality offices and development sites, visit the Bexhill Enterprise Park web site.

For small offices in Hastings, visit the Sea Change Sussex website.